Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Studio Space...committed

As mentioned in a previous blog, I was looking for larger studio space and found some great warehouse spaces at 2778 Agua Fria (discussed in a previous blog - "New Studio Space...the search is on). Well, I made the commitment for a year's lease and moved during the month of January. This space is wonderfully large - 1300 square feet and I'm thrilled to be able to have this space.

I realize that a painter doesn't need large space to create phenomenal artwork. I've painted in my garage (after backing the cars out), in a small room off the kitchen (once a birdcage for the previous owners' parrots) and outdoors on a deck in the small mountain town of Idyllwild, California. However, I also believe that we should pursue our dreams and mine was moving up to a larger, unencumbered by clutter, studio space.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I had visions of deKooning's studio. If you've seen pictures of his space (you can find one on my previous blog), you'll see that his space was quite large and the ceilings very high.

I'm looking forward to creating some phenomenal paintings in my new studio space. Right now, I'm settling in and getting used to the space.
Please take a tour of the studio with me...