Sunday, October 17, 2010

3rd Annual Canyon Road Paint Out

Saturday, October 16, 2010, was our Third Annual Canyon Road Paint Out. This event continues to grow and this year was the best thus far. Throngs of people strolled up and down Canyon Road, Santa Fe's major art district, to view artists executing colorful paintings along the lane. Additionally, there were several galleries with live music. These events coupled with a gorgeous autumn day, made for a lively event.

Since I wasn't working in my gallery this year, I had the opportunity to stroll with my family. Here are some pictures from our walk.

My business partner, Barbara Meikle, enjoying interacting with viewers of her painting.

My daughter and her family, Roger to the left, Farleigh, Melissa (daughter), Zoe and my husband, Corky.

In front of Gallery 822 - Sandy Keller, a Santa Fe artist, with her
husband Jerry. To the right of Sandy is a sculpture by Joshua Tobey.

In front of Waxlander Gallery.

Gorgeous Sunflowers in front of Patricia Carlisle's gallery.

In front of River Trading Post.

The next Paint Out will be October 15, 2011. Plan to attend.